Quantum Computing Explained Simply – How Quantum Computers Work?

Quantum Computing Explained Simply – How Quantum Computers Work It becomes extremely interesting when one thinks about the power he has in his pocket. The smartphone’s today have the power of military computer from 50 years ago that was used to be of the size of an entire room. However, even after we have made […]

Ways to Write a Cleaner Code | Become a Better Programmer


Ways to Write a Cleaner Code | Become a Better Programmer If you have ever worked on a development team, or have looked back at some of your old codes probably you would have come across a certain block of code that looked like if someone had a fight on the keyboard while the text […]

Ways to Improve your B2B Lead Generation Strategy


In the era of the technology-empowered customer, the long-established B2B lead generation strategies would no longer be capable of cutting it. A blend of inbound marketing, content marketing, and social media marketing could be the key reaction. A business that lacks right leading is much like a car without an engine; regardless of the type […]

How to Teach your Team to Love Risk


Get out or Stay out These were the words that Thankyou founder Daniel Flynn challenged the attendees with during a recent event. Needless to say, people were left surprised. However, Daniel’s purpose was not to ask most of the audience to leave the event hall; instead, he was trying to provoke people’s thinking. He tried […]

More work doesn’t equal more success


One of the most critical skills that a startup founder should have is to decide whether to spend time or how much time should be spent on one particular thing. If you should work on your product or come up with a new marketing campaign, do fundraising, talk to users, go to a networking event, […]

Will Cryptocurrency Protocols Be Fat or Thin?


So far, the Joel Monegro fat protocol thesis is one of the most important ideas for understanding cryptocurrency. The thesis was published in the year 2014 and the thesis states that the accrued to the application (app) layer: companies like Facebook, Google, and Amazon. So far, the shared protocols like SMTP, TCP/IP, and HTTP have […]

What are the Habits of Highly Successful Startup Founders?


Thinking to start your own startup? There are few things that you would need to do first! Just try giving it a kick start by discovering your personality type and your limitations. Above all, it is important to know when you can do something yourself and when you need some outside help. However, exploring your […]

Artificial Intelligence Affecting the Job Market- Threat or Fact?


Would The Rise of Robots impact the Job Market? Whoever has ever thought that the self-driving cars and human-like robots will exist and that too a major co-existence with humans? Additionally, we are living in a society of advanced technology that is rapidly transforming our future. The technology behind this ultimate revolution is Artificial Intelligence. […]