10 Mantras For A Successful E-commerce Store


  Try to be the first mainline person and get listed in the Forbes! Get Used to Rejection Armed with self-conviction and yearning to do something great people sometimes move out of the track from the past societal opposition that follows the passion of a business insider. He knows that he has skills and has […]

Increase Productivity: Ways to Apply the 80/20 Rule


What if you come to know that the mindset of 1906 can help in increasing productivity in 2017 Let’s talk about the 80/20 Rule- the Pareto Principle. The 80/20 Rule was named as the Pareto Principle and was name after the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, in the year 1906 he observed that 80% of land […]

Multitasking increases Productivity, you say? Think Again!


Many of the scientists say that one should not believe the multitasking hype. Researchers have proved that we humans aren’t that good as we think and eventually we always try pushing ourselves for performing multiple tasks at once. But this also has helped to highlight the human skill that gives you an evolutionary edge. Technology […]

Why does your business need a mobile app? Here’s WHY!

Do you know that people look for the companies more favorably that have a closely related mobile app? The reason behind is the usage of the app is more than that of the mobile website or website. There are more than 34 million phones in the US as compared to the population living there. Apps […]