How to set up the basic environment of Angular2 with angular-seed

1 min read
Let’s start with building our first Angular 2 application using Typescript. First, make sure you have Node.js and npm installed in your system. You can refer to the official website for more information about the installation procedure of Node.js. Usage: Step 1: Make a directory on your project folder. example: mkdir angular2 via command prompt. Step 2: Open cmd on this folder using shift+right click (open command window here) or open terminal if using linux & mac. Step 3: Clone or fork this repository, here is the angular seed git clone on your command prompt (wait for few seconds)for example: git clone Step 4: Angular2-seed folder is cloned on you project folder. Step 5: Now, type cd angular2-seed (go to inside this folder)for example cd angular2-seed Step 6: Run npm install to install dependencies, and wait for few minutes run npm start to fire up dev serve Step 7: Make sure you have NPM installed version 3+ Step 8: WINDOWS ONLY run npm install -g webpack webpack-dev- server typescript to install global dependencies Step 9: Make sure you have node.js installed version 5+ Step 10: In your browser go to http://localhost:3000 if you want to use other port, open package.json file, then change port in -- port 3000 script. Now, the basic structure of angular 2 is complete. You can modify, add, delete, update the file as per your project requirement. Stay tuned and in the next article, I will be explaining how to go further with building a development environment with Webpack and more. Thanks!

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